
As a church family, we are committed to a Christ-focused perspective surrounding issues of race and ethnicity. To that end, we are resolute in working toward the unity of all people under the cross of Jesus. Our core beliefs have shaped our values as a church and diversity is central to our mission. We believe that multi-ethnic relationships and gatherings are key to understanding systemic issues and humanizing people we may not initially understand.

It is with this in mind that we are seeking to restore, repair, and reconcile people to God and one another. We will not be complicit in culture wars because we believe the issues of racism, disparity, and injustice can only be solved with hearts that have been softened by the love of God. We will champion a church of unity and do all we can to ensure consistent movement toward racial equality and justice for our church family and the community we serve.

Church of the City has created a global advisory council made up of elders, staff, and lay leaders. The mission of this council is to create accountability and thoughtfulness in regard to three specific areas listed below.

There is much to learn when it comes to the historic nature of racism and injustice that has existed in the United States and even the American church. We believe understanding first comes from knowledge and we are committed to creating opportunities for our church and community stakeholders to learn more about how we arrived here and ways we can work toward a gospel-centered approach to healing.
Racial disparity and injustice surface in many ways and as a church, we are committed to a gospel-centered approach toward activism when and where our brothers and sisters need it the most. We will do all we can within our influence to act on their behalf.
Reconciliation involves bringing people back into good standing with God and each other. We have a vision for helping our community do both. Because reconciliation begins first with a relationship, we are committed to helping our church and community stakeholders enter into a relationship with those they’ve feared, been far from, misunderstood, or simply need to be in proximity with.

Below you will find a list of resources that we believe may help you begin to discover how you may engage your heart in education, action, and reconciliation. We do not endorse every single statement made within every book, podcast or resource offered here, but we believe each is helpful on our journey to becoming a reconciling church.


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