Request a Prayer Time
To Schedule a prayer time, please select the location or day from below. You will need to complete the application and also schedule your time. Please make sure that you complete both steps. You do not need to attend the church location that you select. We suggest that you choose the best location or day of the week for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below we have included a list of frequently asked questions. Please read through these to get a better idea of what prayer times look like. If you have other questions, feel free to email us here.
What is Freedom Prayer?
How does Scripture apply to and work with Freedom Prayer?
What does a prayer time look like?
Are there qualifications to receive a prayer time?
Is my prayer time confidential?
What type of follow-up occurs after my prayer time?
Can I sign up for a prayer time if I am not part of COTC?
Can I sign up a friend or family member for prayer?
How can I become a member of the prayer team?
What if I am under the care of a psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor?
Who is leading the prayer time?
Biblical Framework for COTC's Freedom Prayer Ministry
Waiting on the Lord
Praying Together
Asking for greater knowledge & understanding of the Father, Jesus, & the Holy Spirit
Confessing & turning away from sin
Releasing unforgiveness & judgement against other
Asking God to show us strongholds & lies we believe so we can walk in the light
Better understanding of our access to God, the Father
Looking to the Lord for healing of our hurts & wounds